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Your baby's baptism is a time for celebration and joy.

We want to help you plan and prepare for the baptism

in the best possible way.



1. Attend a Baptism Preparation Night every first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm,

at St Kilian's Church, 161 McCrae Street, Bendigo.


Information Night Schedule

August 7

September 4

October 2

November 6

December 4​


2. Contact the Parish Office to set the baptism date.

Make sure to fill-up a baptism form for the registry.


3. You can purchase the white stole & baptism candle at the office or at the piety store

located at the foyer of the church.


4.    We appreciate if you can help us in the life and mission of the parish by making a donation.


       St Kilian's Parish Bendigo

       BSB 083-543

       Account No: 515 694 515


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St Kilian's Bendigo is a Child Safe Parish

Through our policies and practices we protect the right of children to feel safe and to be safe. We promote the well-being and inclusion of all children. 


For more information, go to

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