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Saint Kilian's is a Child-Safe Parish.

St Kilian’s Parish is a Safeguarding Community. We hold the safeguarding, well being and inclusion of all children, young people and adults at risk as a fundamental responsibility of our parish community. 


Everyone who comes to St Kilian's Parish has a right to feel and be safe and as a parish community we will do our best to eliminate all forms of discrimination whether it relates to race, gender, age or socioeconomic status.


Our parish has appointed Parish Safeguarding Officers- Jennifer Sheed and Annette Holmes. One of their key roles is supporting the parish priest in fulfilling his child safety obligations.


Our Parish Commitment to Safeguarding


We the people of St Kilian's Parish are committed to fostering a community of safety and care for all people, especially for children and adults at risk. Our commitment is underscored by our faith in Jesus who teaches the fundamental sanctity of each human person, and by our dedication to sustained education, practice, and conversation about our moral, legal, and spiritual obligation to safeguard all those within our community.


The protection of children and adults at risk within our parish will be achieved as every member of our community strives to be a person who:


1. Wants our children to be safe, to grow, and to flourish, and rejects any attitude and activity that makes children less safe;


2. Acts with integrity, humility, and sincerity, being truthful and openhearted and accountable and transparent, throughout our parish community;


3. Shows care for the rights of all people who are supported by parish systems that are clear, accessible, and compliant;


4. Leads by a constant commitment to raising awareness, education, professional development, and supervision;


5. Listens to others with an open heart and mind, responds well so that concerns and risks may be identified early and addressed;


6. Reaches out with compassion to all who have experienced hurt in our community, restoring relationships and building hope through support, acknowledgement and just redress;


7. Communicates openly and honestly so that there is clear articulation and demonstration of expectation, standards, structures, and processes for Safeguarding throughout our Parish community;


8. Engages the knowledge and experience of the wider community so that through dialogue and collaboration we can contribute to growth in the safety and wellbeing of our communities.Each of us can make a differenceEach of us can help to protect one anotherWe are asked to Step Up & Speak Out for the protection of all

Parish Policies & Resources

Children Reading the Holy Bible

St Kilian's Parish

Safeguarding Policy for Children & Adults at Risk

This summary of the Diocese of Sandhurst Policy of Children and Young People has been endorsed by the St Kilian's Parish Pastoral Council and was approved by Fr Junray Rayna on 21 February 2023. 


Diocesan Policies & Resources

on Safeguarding

Schoolboy Using Tablet

National Principles for Child Safety Organisations

Children Praying

Parish Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct outlines appropriate standards of behaviour by adults towards children. It aims to protect children and reduce any opportunities for abuse or harm to occur. 


It also helps staff and volunteers by providing them with guidance on how to best support children and how to avoid or better manage difficult situations. All staff and volunteers are required to comply. 


Top 5 Online Safety Tips

for Kids

Family Praying

Child Safety Reporting Process


Child Safe Standards

Commission for Children & Young People

Mobile Phone

Top 5 Online Safety Tips


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St  Kilian's Photography & Video Policy

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St Kilian's Bendigo is a Child Safe Parish

Through our policies and practices we protect the right of children to feel safe and to be safe. We promote the well-being and inclusion of all children. 


For more information, go to

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